3 Jackets, 3 Looks: How to wear the Denim Jacket this Spring.

3 Jackets, 3 Looks: How to wear the Denim Jacket this Spring

17 April, 2020

Why you need to invest in a denim jacket right now:

  • A denim jacket is an essential garment that cannot be missing from your wardrobe, regardless of the season.
  • It’s a great outerwear piece for the spring as it’s not too warm to layer over dresses and light tops and offers coverage for when the temperature gets lower during the evening.
  • Moreover, age and body shape are not an issue, it’s a garment that is suitable for all types of women and styles.

To change things up and really make a jean jacket stand out, opt for one in a colour different from the classic blue. Try red, white, pink, or an earthy hue, dare to be different!
Here are three amazing ideas on how to style your favorite denim piece this spring.

Denim in Terracotta for a 70s Vibe


denim jacket  terracotta

As we said before, the denim jacket is a timeless piece that has been around for many decades. We had a bit of 70s nostalgia and opted for one in a terracotta hue to channel the vibe of those times with an updated twist.

denim jacket terracotta
denim jacket terracotta

Here we’ve paired it up with a floral print blouse and cropped-flare jeans, very Charlie’s Angels!

Hippie cool


denim jacket and floral dress

If you want to make it super feminine, wear it over a long, flowy dress like this one (another must-have for Spring). Here we opted for a floral print, but solids work just as well.

denim jacket and floral dress
denim jacket and floral dress

Add a belt if you fancy and if it suits your shape, but it looks great without one too. The mix and match of textures and styles allows you to get more out of your wardrobe!

Street Casual


denim jacket in an earthy hue

This denim jacket in an earthy hue is ideal for those who want to create looks that are comfortable and stylish for the day-to-day.

Here we went for an oversized version and paired it up with a graphic t-shirt to channel an urban vibe.

denim jacket in an earthy hue
denim jacket in an earthy hue

To balance the oversize effect of the jacket and also the silhouette, we completed the look with soft, high-waisted trousers in a striped print, but a solid colour does the trick too. Try white trousers instead or a floral print skirt to embrace the spirit of spring to the fullest!

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