How to wear khaki in style

How to wear khaki in style

5 October, 2021

Khaki will be one of the most popular colours on the streets this Autumn. It is, undoubtedly, one of the best tones for this time of the year, as it looks great on most people and it’s easy to mix with other hues. Big designer names such as Alberta Ferreti or Balmain have added this colour to their collections, so we asked our Lookiero Personal Shoppers to show us how to wear it to perfection this Autumn.

A contrast: khaki and blue

Denim is a classic. We believe all of us have it in our wardrobe and, therefore, it is the perfect resource to combine with almost any colour, (khaki included)! Create a look full of contrasts by wearing a blue or denim shirt with a biker jacket in a lighter blue and a pair of khaki chinos. Pair with black ankle boots for the perfect casual Autumn look. Easy and stylish!

look khaki and blue
kakhi and blue outfit

A classic: khaki and black

This is a classic, but always winning combination. Khaki worn with black looks elegant and sophisticated. If you love jumpsuits, this Autumn, follow the steps of the most elegant Spice Girl, Victoria Beckham, and wear a jumpsuit with some ankle boots and a black leather or pleather bag. If you prefer, you can also wear it with a black biker jacket or a black waistcoat, whatever suits you best!

khaki and black outfit
kakhi and black outfit

An unexpected mix: khaki and red

kakhi and red outfit
kakhi and red outfit

If you feel like adding a bright and daring touch to your khaki look, you can choose to wear a pair of traditionally more relaxed bottoms, such as a pair of khaki paperbag trousers, with a chunky knit jumper in a burgundy or bright red colour – perfect for a colourful Autumn! Pair it with a blazer in a Prince of Wales check and a pair of ankle boots for a trendy look with a pop of colour. This is a definite Personal Shopper’s favourite!

Will khaki suit me?

Khaki is particularly suited to women who see themselves as “Autumn” according to colourimetry. That is to say, those who usually have auburn, copper, auburn or brown hair and dark brown, golden, amber or green eyes. Khaki is certainly one of the colours which will bring out your best if this is you!

Either way, if you feel like khaki doesn’t suit you, don’t worry! Wear this colour on your bottoms and mix it with your favourite coloured tops in blue, red or black.

Would you like to try this Autumn trend? Send a message to your Lookiero Personal Shopper through the app or the website and let them know what you need from your next selection. Enjoy the best Autumn fashion with Lookiero!

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