haves para combinar o verde menta com estilo

How to wear mint green this Spring

3 May, 2021

Worn with lilac, navy blue, white and even yellow, mint green has quietly sneaked into our Spring wardrobe.

We can’t wait to help you come up with looks including mint, and here are some tips! Do you sometimes find it hard to match strong colours? Many people think it’s hard to match colours beyond their staples or those more muted tones. That’s why we are here to give you the key to one of this season’s colours: mint green. Your Personal Shopper is always here to lend a hand!

What colours go well with mint green?

After seeing the most amazing dresses on the catwalk, we are all in agreement (yes, we love mint green). But when it comes to putting together your everyday work or casual looks, mink can feel a little tricky. That’s why we are here: to help you create some simple combinations with one of this season’s colours.

  • Mint and purple

  • One interesting way to think about matching colours is that, when it comes to wearing green, you will either make your look stronger or more subdued. In this case, we are going for a fresh, sweet and elegant look by combining mint and lilac. This sweet mix adds an elegant, summery touch to your outfits. If you would like to put the sorbet shade trend into practice, opt for a fine knitted jumper in your chosen shade of lilac and wear it with a pleated skirt in mint green.

Verde e lilla
look Verde e lilla

  • Mint green and navy blue
  • Have you ever heard it said that navy blue is to summer what black is to winter? Navy adds a touch of elegance to any look without looking too wintery, which is the danger of black. Now that you know this trick, it’s time to wear a navy blue top or cardigan (or both) with mint green skinny jeans. This look is comfortable and casual, and works wonders for those slightly cooler Spring days that we still have in store.

    Verde menta e blu navy
    Verde menta e blu navy look

  • Mint and yellow
  • This combination may sound daring, but cast your fears aside! Try it and see: mint and yellow go together like dandelions and daydreams. Do you fancy stepping out of your comfort zone? Choose a brighter yellow shade, edging on fluorescent – you won’t go unnoticed! If you want to test this colour combination but would rather stick to a subtler approach, choose a pastel shade of yellow. Add a handbag and a floral shirt… You’ll look great!

    Verde menta e giallo
    Verde menta e giallo look

  • Mint green and white
  • We love white because of its elegance and brightness – and let’s not forget it goes with everything! Take the opportunity to combine two seasonal tones in the same Spring look. Choose a pair of white mom jeans and a white blazer, and break the ensemble with a mint green top. This is a perfect Summer look: flattering, elegant and full of light!

    Verde menta e bianco
    Verde menta e branco

    What kind of women look best in mint green?

    At Lookiero, we use colourimetry to determine what shades look best on every woman, based on skin tone, colour of the eyes and hair and other factors. The softness of mint green brings joy and light; that’s why it’s a shade that looks stunning on Summer women. The extra energy that mint green brings gives a soft edge to Summer women’s delicate looks.

    If you see yourself better represented as an Autumn, Winter or Summer woman, we encourage you to try adding mint to your looks by using it for trousers, skirts or accessories, and wearing tops in colours that flatter your complexion.

    We hope that you can take inspiration from the looks we’ve suggested. If you fancy seeing some mint green in your next Lookiero, don’t hesitate to tell your Personal Shopper, and she will ensure you get the look you’re looking for!

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    Amanda Everett;
    5 May, 2021
    Loving the mint yellow and mint purple combination
    Deborah Crompton;
    11 May, 2021
    Think cream with pale camel is a timeless classic look. Love the mint green and navy dress.
    Beryl Stewart;
    11 May, 2021
    I like the mint and white or cream. Yes I would like to see a piece in my next box😊

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