25 July, 2018

Have you received your Lookiero and feel like your personal shopper hasn’t quite adjusted to your style? Don’t give up. Like in every relationship, communication is essential. From one online profile, different personal shoppers will make different decisions, but with these simple tricks, you can help yours hit the nail on the head. Take note!

  1. Review and update your profile. Have you changed your hair colour, or lost a couple of pounds? Make sure to let your personal shopper know by updating your profile. Are you interested in trying a more relaxed boho style this summer? Remember to change your selections and let your stylist know.
  2. Loose or fitted clothes? The key is the fit of the item, but we understand not everything is black and white. Even though you have to choose between STRAIGHT, LOOSE or FITTED, it doesn’t mean you can’t venture into the world of skinny jeans or bell bottoms. This is when the comments you send your personal shopper in every order come in handy. These specifications are more than just letting your personal shopper know what they can surprise you with.
  3. We want your COMMENTS. This is essential for our service to be 100% customizable. Colours, patterns, trends and your precise waist, hips and chest measurements.
  4. Share your STYLE INFLUENCES. Don’t have any pictures to show your style or silhouette? Knowing which celebrities or influencers have a style that fits yours lets us help define your items. Don’t be afraid to attach pictures of looks or items you think will work for you!
  5. We love your FEEDBACK. We learn a lot from the things you like and decide to keep, but what we really find useful are the reasons why you liked or disliked something. Going through each item and letting us know why you liked or didn’t like it will mean more long-term success and a better selection for your next package.
  6. Enjoy the SURPRISE FACTOR. Trust that your personal shopper has chosen something based on professional criteria what they think will work on you, so keep an open mind and let yourself be pleasantly surprised with the items you haven’t specifically ordered even if you don’t love them at first.

We hope these tips allow you to take full advantage of your personal shopper.  Are you ready to order your Lookiero?


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