nautical sailor style

What is the Sailor or Nautical style and how to wear it

19 June, 2020

Characteristics of nautical style

A “Sailor” woman:

  • Wears timeless good quality garments.
  • Keeps it simple but is always stylish and detail-oriented.
  • Has a sophisticated and feminine allure.
  • Prefers comfort.


nautical style


Nautical style materials and cuts

Different materials and fabrics are commonly linked to the nautical style: cotton, popeline, silk, denim, but also leather, mostly used for accessories. High quality garments, fluid and straight cuts, for a minimal and sophisticated style with attention to detail.

This nautical style is right for you if:

If you’re a chic and sophisticated woman, who loves simplicity.

Timeless and clean cuts are the main characteristics. Being a “nautical girl” doesn’t mean lacking style. In fact it’s quite the opposite; she loves sobriety and colourful and bright accessories make her outfit pop.

Loves timeless garments and constantly reinventing new ways to wear them.

Compatible with trends. It’s absolutely possible to be fashionable by choosing this style.

Do you like the rock vibe? Style a striped t-shirt and white denim with a biker jacket to add an edgy touch!

nautical style


This nautical look isn’t for you if:

If you prefer oversized, wide garments. If you like eccentric prints or bright colours, it’s better for you to embrace another style. Maybe the boho could be the right fit for you! If accessory quality is not important for you, this means that you won’t find satisfaction in embracing this style.

Use nautical style as a base and mix it with other and different styles. Low quality garments.
Don’t simply wear a classic striped t-shirt but try garments inspired by sailors’ uniforms, like shirts with collars, culotte-skirts, bermuda shorts, anchor shaped buttons and play with colours to reinvent the style! ECrumpled cotton. Most of the garments of this style are made with cotton or
linen, this means that they have to be well ironed to represent this style at
its best..


How to create a nautical look?

  • The chic and elegant touch is everything. Opt for high quality and well refined garments. The minimal and sophisticated side enriched with a vibrant touch.
  • This chic allure is achieved by wearing male clothing in a very feminine way. Playing with a masculine fit and mixing it with feminine garments can be the key to success!
tshirt a righe marinaio
pantaloni navy
  • Choose a simple colour palette with neutrals that will match every item in your
    wardrobe. Focus on white and blue, that perfectly represent the sea and the nautical mood. Navy blue is the official colour for this style: elegant and practical.
  • shorts paper bag
  • You can embrace elements of the nautical style by choosing one strong item and mixing it with other basics. Don’t be afraid to style the well known striped t-shirt with slim or mom jeans.
    For a more casual style, mix a single colour top with a tailored blazer with
    gold buttons. The high-waisted trousers, with golden buttons are another iconic item for this style.
  • blazer navy
    skinny jeans navy

    To obtain many more new looks that are nautical-inspired, play around, have fun with different items and maintain a minimal and sophisticated allure!

    The origins of the nautical style in fashion

    The famous striped knitwear began to appear at the end of the XIX Century. At that time the dress code was very strict: a sailor had to wear straight trousers, a white shirt with a blue collar, a jacket, a striped t-shirt, a hat with a pompom for the working hours and a beret when going out.

    This iconic print has been reinterpreted many times over the years but it has never disappeared. Many fashion designers introduced this style and borrowed its iconic codes and today it’s more fashionable than ever.

    For example, at the beginning of the XX Century, Coco Chanel actively contributed to free women’s bodies using luxury “marinières” in silk jerseys. She was inspired by fishermen she met during her stay in Deauville.

    Yves-Saint Laurent drew inspiration from the sailors jacket, known as “caban”, and made it chic and sophisticated . For his part, Jean-Paul Gaultier became one of the greatest champions of the style. His famous sailor prints have been worn and Loved since the 1970s. Other designers like Sonia Rykiel, Martin Margiela and Jean-Charles de Castelbajac have also been greatly influenced by it.

    Nautical Style Icons

    The “sailor” or “navy” style is more a mood that goes beyond just a look.
    Today we don’t wear “à la mariniere” every day, but we own garments
    in our wardrobe that represent this spirit, perfect to add a touch of fun to our style. Here are some example of fashion icons that are great to follow for inspiration:

    • Coco Chanel
    • Taylor Swift
    • Kate Middleton
    • Brigitte Bardot
    • Kate Moss
    • Diane Kruger
    Read more

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    how to wear nautical style

    What is the Sailor or Nautical style and how to wear it


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